Limited seating
This class is offered only two times a year
The course is to provide the Faith-Based Christian Counselor with biblical principles and counseling techniques. The course addresses different types of problems that people bring to the counseling session. The Word of God is the final authority, not opinions. Jesus Christ is the solution to our problems, and He is sufficient to meet every need.
Upon completion of this course TEB Seminary (the education entity) and TEB Seminary (the certifying entity) will recognize each student as a “Certified Christian Counselor.”
Students will understand and demonstrate these fundamental counseling skills:
“Our training is religious in nature and not subject to licensure or regulation by the State of Texas. It provides non-medical treatment and recovery methods such as prayer, moral guidance, spiritual counseling, and scriptural study”
The answer depends on what you mean by “work as a psychologist.” If you mean that you have the freedom to implement biblical truth in the lives of broken people, go for it with gusto and be, as the term psychotherapist means, a real healer of souls. If you mean that you will be forced to use secular psychotherapy, the answer is an absolute NO. Almost all secular institutions will never tolerate any form of truly biblical counseling.
Regarding the second question, “Should Christians integrate psychological and biblical methods?” let me ask you a question: Why would you want to pollute the clear stream of God’s Word with the filthy water of secularism?
Their ideas have shaped, and will continue to shape, our culture. Much of this has brought about great evil. There are times, though, when a secular principle will trigger biblically based ideas.
The church is in desperate need of men and women who know how to use the Bible to counsel. Unfortunately, even evangelical churches are filled with secularists and integrationists doing the counseling ministry.
Very few people even realize that there is a truly biblical counseling alternative. Pastors, out of the frustration of their lack of biblical counseling knowledge and out of fear of the problems that are brought to them by their members, refer their members to secular counseling centers. When pastors do find a Christian counseling center to refer their members to, such centers are often Christian in name only. Apart from a stylized prayer opening a counseling session, there is often little else that we might call “Christian,” let alone “biblical.”
The need for truly biblical counseling in the church is enormous. Once trained in biblical counseling, Christian men and women coming out of secular psychology will find a huge opportunity awaiting them in the church to use their gifts and talents.
Secular employment is not your only option. However, to be used in the lives of God’s people, you must know the teaching of the Bible. As Dr. Jay Adams, said thirty-five years ago, “If you want to be able to say, ‘Thus says the Lord,’ you had better know what the Lord says.”
Christian counselors have many choices when it comes to jobs. Christian counselors are needed at Christian schools, colleges, and universities, hospice , missions, ministries, some churches, and non-profit organizations that provide counseling services.
Some mental health clinics are also now providing some faith-based counseling for their patient population. Christian counselors can also choose to begin a private practice.
House Bill 2481
On September 1, 1997, the Texas Legislature passed into law House Bill 2481. What is House Bill 2481? It is an act of law that allows “faith-based” substance abuse treatment providers to make application to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TACADA) for an exemption from licensure.
In other words, properly certified Christians may now legally counsel and minister to families with addiction problems. Springing from this new law has come an open door to counsel people with all forms of life-controlling problems. After all, the only real solution to the horrible bondage of substance abuse and other societal dilemmas is when Jesus Christ changes the heart.
Our State leadership is now coming to grips with that fact. Further, Governor George W. Bush took the advice of his “Task Force on Faith-Based Community Service Groups,” and urged Christians to privately form a certification process whereby we can monitor the best training and performance standards possible.
The TEB Seminary Christian Counselor Certification Program is not a state license and is, in fact, distinctly different. Most states have regulatory laws governing the practice of psychology.
Many of them also legislate the practice of general counseling. The laws vary from state to state. For example, some states have a counselor category called “Licensed Professional Counselor.” Therefore, The TEB Seminary Christian Counselor Certification Program requires its counselors to clearly identify their credentials… This ensures that the TEB Seminary counselor is operating within legal and ethical standards, and maintaining the public’s trust and confidence..
State regulatory laws help to protect the public and ensure professionalism within the counseling profession. The TEB Seminary Christian Counselor Certification Program strives to attain a similar goal within the Christian community and, at the same time, operate within compliance with state laws. The state and federal governments also have jurisdictional boundaries. They cannot pass laws that prevent the Church from fulfilling its purpose and ministering to humanity’s needs. The state recognizes that counseling is one of the responsibilities of the Church and its clergy. For this reason, the state does not and must not interfere with the Ministry of Counseling.
The primary differences between state-licensed professional counselors and Christian counselors, who are credentialed by TEBS and under the authority of the Church (Body of Christ), are clear and well defined.
Counselors who have been licensed by the state are held to strict ethical standards that mandate an individual’s right to be free from religious influence.
The state licensed professional counselor is forbidden to pray, read or refer to the Holy Scriptures, counsel against things such as homosexuality, abortion, etc. Initiating such counsel would be considered unethical by the state. In most states in the U.S., state licensed counselors “must not promote their personal religious beliefs” according to the code of ethics in each respective state.
As you can readily see, the state governs secular counselors and the Church is responsible to set standards and govern those who have devoted their lives to the ministry and to Pastoral counseling.
None of this is to say that the Christian counselor, minister or priest is not permitted to request fees and receive remuneration for the services they render, as long as they remain adherent to the state laws governing such procedures.
When you decide to become a Christian counselor you will need to place yourself under the authority of a religious organization like TEBS .
This does not mean you need to be a fully ordained minister. It does mean that you will place yourself under the authority of a recognized religious organization and have written credentials to substantiate it.
If you want more information and class times please call or text 318-479-2040
1. Christian Counseling Services: This simply indicates that the counseling services are grounded in Christian beliefs and values. It is a straightforward way to communicate the nature of the services being offered.
2. Faith-based Counseling: The counseling services are based on faith, which is a central aspect of Christian counseling. It conveys the message that the counseling is rooted in religious beliefs and values.
3. Biblical Counseling: This highlights the use of biblical principles in counseling sessions. It suggests that the counselor will draw on Scripture to provide guidance and support to their clients.
4. Spiritual Guidance: This focuses on the spiritual aspect of the counseling services. It suggests that clients can expect to receive guidance and support in matters related to their faith and spiritual well-being.
5. Christian Therapist: This communicates that the counselor providing the services is a qualified professional who shares the client’s Christian beliefs and values. It indicates that the counselor is uniquely qualified to provide Christian counseling services.
6. Christian Counseling Center: This indicates that the counseling services are provided at a specific location, which is dedicated to offering Christian counseling services. It conveys the message that the center is a welcoming and supportive environment for clients seeking Christian counseling.
7. Christian Marriage Counseling: This indicates that the counseling services are focused specifically on marriage and that they are grounded in Christian beliefs and values. It suggests that the counselor will provide guidance and support to help couples strengthen their relationship in a way that is consistent with their Christian faith.