Associate Degree in Christian Education. In order to graduate with an Associate Degree, the student must meet the following requirement:Successfully complete sixty (60) credit hours including all core and or electives for Associates Degree.
The Baccalaureate Degree is normally the first academic degree awarded students in various fields of religious study, for the purpose of vocation, career, occupation, profession, ministry, educational, or life work. On the College level, a minimum of 120 semester credit hours of study or its equivalent is required. At TEB Seminary a minimum thirty (30) credit hours must be in general education and a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours must be in Biblical Studies except for a degree in Biblical Studies which requires a minimum of sixty (62) credit hours in the Biblical Studies area. Total of (122) hours
Masters Programs are designed as Professional Degrees leading to full time ministry (e.g. Administrator, missionary, pastor, etc.). As such they require extensive study and proficiency. Seminary Master degrees are not terminal degrees, but are preparation for Doctoral study.
The Doctoral Degrees are the culmination of Seminary studies. The Doctoral Degree is a professional degree, specifically designed to equip the prospective student in the areas of Pastoral, Evangelistic, Missiology, and Seminary teaching ministry. Historically, in Europe, the doctorate degree was given primarily to men who were educators in the universities, or in the churches.