Dr. Deryck J. Hunte President Professor of Theology – 19 years as a professor at TEB Seminary Dr.Hunte is the president and founder of Teb Seminary. He has been the principle teacher , resident theologian, curriculum creator and visionary of this fine institution.
Dr. Johnny Baylor Professor of leadership & Biblical Studies – Dr. Baylor’s preaching and teaching ministry is global in nature. He has had opportunities to preach at Keble College at Oxford University in England; Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI; Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, La Mirada, CA; and King’s College and Seminary in San Fernando, CA.
Bruce W. Gore, M.A., J.D. Professor of Church History & Historical Context of the bible – 30 years of involvement in Christian education and Adjunct Professor at Whitworth University for 30 years.
Dr.Reginald C. Rose Professor of Church History and Apologetics – 30 years of pastoring, Dr.Rose has been a true blessing to his students here at TEB Seminary.
Rev.Leonard Prudhomme Professor of Biblical Studies Pastor Prudhomme graduated from Oikodome School of Biblical Studies with a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education in 2010 and earned a Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies at Trinity Evangelical Seminary. His plans are to continue his education until he reaches a Doctorate degree in Divinity.
Nickarr Prudhomme Professor of Christian Counseling Nickarr graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the University of St. Thomas in 2001 and earned a recent Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Board Certification Nouthetic Counseling from Trinity Evangelical Bible Seminary. She works as a clinical and surgical coordinator in Orthopedic Surgery for Houston Methodist. She leads the Women’s Ministry, Glorious Growth (Youth Group) and is a Sunday school teacher. Nickarr enjoys traveling, reading and music.
Joy Carroll – Hebrew Instructor
IN GLORY Dr.Larry W. Jackson Professor of Eschatology Dr. Jackson has continued to strive for excellence in his Pastor and teaching ability by obtaining numerous degrees such as a Bachelor of Theology in Christian Education, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, along with a Master of Divinity, and a Doctrine of Ministry.
Valencia Hunt – Admission & Student Affairs
Mishele’ Rowe – Board Member
Rev.Oliver Underwood – Board Member
Arthur Hurd – Board Member