TEB Seminary 21st Anniversary

Order of Service

Scripture and Prayer: Rev. Alonzo Stewart

Praise and Worship :V.A.V.

Welcome :Lady Valencia Hunte

TEB Seminary Alumni-Dr. Andriel Brice

Recognition of Faculty and Staff

Faculty :
Dr. Deryck Hunte, President
Dr. Reginald Rose , Academic Dean
Dr. Simone Barnes
Professor Joy Carol
Professor Leonard Prudhomme
Professor Nickarr Prudhomme

Lady Valencia Hunte -Chief Financial Officer
Ms.Y’Dari Hunte- Director of Admissions and Student Affairs
Ms.Aliyah Hunte – Information Technology

Intro to Seminary :Professor Leonard Prudhomme

Christian Counseling :Professor Nickarr Prudhomme

Selection :VAV

Introduction of our President- Elder Oliver Underwood


Sermon :Dr. Deryck Hunte, President & Founder

Closing Remarks- Dr.Deryck Hunte, President &Founder

Recognize TEB Alumni